Thursday, March 10, 2011

Rain and Nostalgia - Is this how living in Seattle would feel?

 I had a dream a couple of days ago. Saw myself by the Adriatic in the early morning listening to the sighs of the waves and taking in the fresh smell of the sea. Damn, I need a Albania.

So, I found refuge in several blogs of Peace Corps Volunteers in Albania today. Drowned by feelings of nostalgia that were impulsively awakened by this foggy, rainy day, and since I could not finish that fifteen page paper (I can't wait for the days of grad school when fifteen pages would seem little!) on anarchist thought, I went on an a marathon of reading blogs. Almost all would mention furgon rides and byrek. And the fact that Albanian host families encourage them to eat a lot. Hilarious! Although I live in a microcosm of that beyond the Atlantic, the hyper-materialism of American culture makes me miss it more and more each day. Instead of helping, those blogs made me feel even more nostalgic! When will the day of visiting and "recharging my batteries" come?

Afternoon, my Adriatic!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Deux Guitares dhe Mall

 Ismail Kadare - Mall
Ca pika shiu ranë mbi qelq.
Dhe une per ty sec ndjeva mall.
Jetojmë të dy në një qytet, 
Dhe rrallë shihemi sa rrallë. 

Edhe m'u duk pak e çuditshme
Si erdh kjo vjeshtë, ky mëngjes.
Qiejt e ngrysur pa lejlekë
Dhe shirat pa ylber në mes.

Dhe thënia e vjetër e Heraklitit
Seç m'u kujtua sot për dreq:
"Të zgjuarit janë bashkë në botë,
Kurse të fjeturit janë veç".

Në ç'ënderr kemi rënë kaq keq,
Që dot s'po zgjohemi vallë?...
Ca pika shiu ranë mbi qelq
Dhe unë për ty seç ndjeva mall